Modern Slavery Policy
This policy establishes MESO Energy's zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and outlines our commitment to preventing forced labour, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation within our business and supply chains. MESO Energy is fully aligned with the UK's Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This policy applies to all MESO Energy employees, contractors, suppliers, partners, and anyone acting on our behalf.
Modern Slavery: Encompasses slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, and human trafficking.
Supply Chain: Includes all organisations and individuals involved in supplying goods or services to MESO Energy.
MESO Energy is committed to operating with integrity and upholding ethical business practices. We will not tolerate any form of modern slavery within our operations or supply chains.
Measures to Prevent Modern Slavery
1. Risk Assessment: We conduct regular assessments to identify potential modern slavery risks throughout our supply chains.
2. Supplier Due Diligence
Onboarding: Suppliers complete a questionnaire addressing their modern slavery prevention practices.
Contractual Obligations: Our contracts include clauses requiring suppliers to uphold ethical labor standards and comply with the Modern Slavery Act.
3. Partner Engagement: We prioritise partnerships with energy suppliers and industry partners that demonstrate a commitment to ethical practices, including those related to human rights.
4. Employee Training & Awareness: We provide training programs to help employees identify and report potential instances of modern slavery. Our training will cover:
Recognising potential indicators of modern slavery
MESO Energy's expectations and reporting procedures
The importance of ethical supply chain practices.
Reporting and Investigation
MESO Energy encourages employees and stakeholders to report any suspected violations of this policy. Our Speak-Up Policy provides a confidential mechanism for reporting concerns. All reports relating to modern slavery will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.
If instances of modern slavery are found within our business operations or supply chain, we'll take immediate corrective action, which may include:
Working with the affected individuals toward resolution
Engaging with suppliers to implement remediation plans
Terminating business relationships where appropriate
Collaborating with authorities (if necessary)
Policy Review and Updates
MESO Energy will review this policy annually to ensure its continued effectiveness and align with any changes in legislation.
MESO Energy’s appointed Head of Compliance is responsible for implementing and enforcing this policy with accountability being owned by the CEO.